“Stay Safe” Mural Spotted In The Façade of Columbia Asia Hospital

It is already coming to one year that we are fighting to stop the spread of Covid19 in our community. Our Health Ministry has been constantly sharing news and updates about the awareness of this virus as well as the daily report of cases of new infection in the country.  

In Johor Bahru, a message of mural painting has caught my attention. I am honestly fascinated with the message. It reminds us (the community) to “Stay Safe”. It is painted in bold upper-case letters calling all viewers (the public) to be safe at all times.

I believe that this is a good avenue to remind everyone that we should do our own responsibility to protect ourselves and our family from the spread of this virus. I myself had been in contact with a friend who has been diagnosed with the virus and she told me about her story.

Let me share with you... 

a.       Upon receiving the results that you are infected with the virus, what happened?

I was sacred. I don't know what to do. I cried and cried and fear about my life. KKM contacted me. They informed me that will picked up me anytime from my place once the hospital has a space for me to stay.

b.       So what did you do after that?

I was advised by KKM to strictly stay at home—don’t go out. They also asked me about those people whom I get in contact with (in physical) in the last few days. So I told them those people I know. After that, I contacted all of them (those people shared to KKM) and told them happened to me. At first I, was scared, embarrassed and guilty because of their mixed reactions. But I told myself to be strong.
c.       How did they react?
Of course, they were shocked. Everybody is asking about my whereabouts from that time. Since I contacted my officemates (in physical meet-up), my co-worker and the company has to temporary close the entire floor where I am working for few weeks for proper sanitization. Our Human Resource Department also contacted each of my colleagues to stay at home and do the necessary monitoring.
d.       Are they required to do a Swab Test?
Actually no, because basing on the date and time that I meet them, I  don’t have those symptoms and it was more than a week ago.  However, I already inform them that they maybe contacted by KKM for swab testing. But because they (my friends and officemates) may think that I am asymptomatic at that point in time, they all went for swab testing and all of them were tested negative.
I was so happy and get relief when I heard their results. I have to admit that I was guilty of causing them this trouble-- going for swab testing, queuing to get tested, and also spending money for the RTG or PRC test. I am also happy that at least they were supportive and constantly giving positive notes  about my condition—they (including my friends) wished me to get well soon and those words are very encouraging that point in time.
e.       Did you stay in the Hospital?
Yes, they picked me up at my home place. They let me wear that tag on my wrist and I was shocked and the feeling was not that good. I am very emotional that time. I cried and I saw that some of neighbors were looking at me. Of course they know cause there is this KKM vehicles with some frontline staff (in white uniform) from the hospital parked in front of my house. I just keep quite and prayed that everything will be alright.
f.        How is the feeling of staying in the hospital?
That was my first time to stay in a hospital or so-called quarantine community for Covid19 patients. Of course it’s totally different. We shared room, we shared toilets and there is no TV and other facilities that we enjoyed the most. The whole place was very quiet. Everybody wear facemask—its boring.
I just stayed in my bed holding my phone and missing my family. And of course thinking that I hope they are also well and that they will not experience what I am currently feeling now.
g.       How many days did you stay in the Quarantine Hospital?
I think I stayed there for about 10 days. I am happy that I was tested negative after that quarantine and I have recovered from this infection. I missed my family and all friends. All I have with me is my phone where I can get in contact with them. It's not simple. I can’t imagine those parents that need to leave their house and leave their children specially those with young ones. Who would take care of them?
It is not simple. If your body can't recover that fast, you will stay longer in the hospital and the longer you will stay there, the longer you will get bored and worried about you family and friends.
h.       What can you advise the public?
Please follow the protocols. Follow social distancing, wear mask and do necessary requirements to make our immune system strong. We should also bear in mind that by doing this, we are helping to protect our family, friends, and compatriots from the spread of this virus. We are actually helping to save lives.

We need to fight the spread of this virus so our frontlines can go back home. They also need to meet their family and get back to normal like the olden times.
For security purposes, I will not be disclosing the identity of my source. We do hope that we really need to be aware of what is happening around us and let’s continue to protect ourselves and protect the lives of our community. We should #HealAsOne and join the hashtag #ProtectOneProtectAll.

Special thanks to the creators and painters of these fabulous mural paintings. 

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